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Trade Marks Law

Greyson Legal | Trademark Lawyers

What is a Trade Mark?

Trade marks are distinctive signs, such as, a logo that help consumers identify particular brands, products and services. A unique trade mark assists with building business reputation and setting the business apart from its competition.

A trade mark is a way of identifying a particular good, service or business. When one talks about a “brand” this is typically a reference to a trade mark. 


Trade marks can consist of: letters, words, phrases, numbers, symbols, logos, pictures, sounds, distinctive shape (among others).  They help to identify and distinguish the goods or services provided by one person from those of another. 


As branding is a key aspect particularly in business, it is vital that steps are taken to protect against exploitation of your intellectual property rights by unauthorised third parties.


By registering a trade mark the owner obtains exclusive right to use the mark – or authorise others to use it – and pursue legal remedies for trade mark infringement.


When applying to register a trademark, the mark must be distinctive and not confusingly similar to an existing mark in order to be registered.


According to IP Australia's Intellectual Property Reports:


  • 75,635 trade mark applications were filed in Australia in 2019; and

  • 81,701 trademark application in 2020; and

  • in 2021, the total trade mark applications filed in Australia had increased to 88,725.


These figures demonstrate that trade marks remain an important avenue for protection of IP rights. 

Reviewing the Laws

Benefits of Registering a Trade Mark

By registering a trade mark:

. you gain exclusive proprietary rights in the mark

. you are able to prevent the registration by someone else of an identical or deceptively similar mark

. it helps others to identify your mark in searches so they know in advance that your mark is registered and that you have exclusive rights to the mark

. the IP right adds value to your business, especially where the brand generates goodwill

. it gives you the ability to licence or franchise your rights in the mark in return for a fee

. it places you in a stronger position to defend against any infringement against your mark


In order to be registered in Australia, the mark must meet certain requirements as set out in the Trade Marks Act 1995 (Cth)


Once registered, the trademark owner can use the ® symbol beside the trademark protected word or logo.

A trademark is usually registered for 10 years. After which the trademark can be re-registered for further periods of 10 years each.


Trade mark registration in Australia does not automatically provide IP protection overseas. Business owner's looking to promote their business, goods or services overseas will need to register trade marks in those countries where they wish to trade. 

What We Do

Greyson Legal | Trade Mark Lawyers understand trade mark law. Our trade mark legal services include:

  • trade mark clearance searching

  • trade mark applications

  • replying to IP Australia Adverse Reports

  • trade mark oppositions

  • trade mark enforcement

  • trade mark infringement advice

  • trade mark licensing

  • trade mark assignments | transfers

  • trade mark monitoring

  • trade mark advice

  • Australian trade marks

  • international trade marks

Trade Mark Registration (Australia)

We assist with all stages of the trade mark registration process, namely:

  • lodging trade mark applications

  • informing you that a trade mark notice of filing acknowledgment has issued

  • advising you about the trade mark   examination process

  • advising if the trade mark application has been accepted

  • assisting you with an adverse examination report (if any)

  • guiding you with trade mark oppositions (if any)

  • amending trade mark applications (if required)

  • confirming registration of the trade mark



Document with Pen

Trade Mark Clearance Search

It is highly recommended that before applying for a trade mark - a detailed search should be carried out to check there are no similar trade marks already registered or pending registration. 


When engaging Greyson Legal | Trade Mark Lawyers we undertake preliminary trade mark clearance searches to ensure you do not inadvertently infringe another person's trade mark

Magnifying Glass

Trade Mark Assignment

Assigning a trade mark may arise where:

  • one party (Assignor) is transferring their IP rights in a trade mark to another person (Assignee). For example, a third party creating a trade mark and then selling that mark to another entity 

  • a Business is being sold and the trade mark forming part of that Business's brand is also being assigned to the buyer

In these situations you may need a Trade Mark Assignment Agreement or specific clauses in the Business Sale contract to deal with trade mark assignment. 

The Contract
Signing a Contract

Trade Mark Licensing

A Trade Mark Licence is a right granted by one person (the Licensor) in favour of another person (a Licensee), allowing the Licensee to do certain things. For example, it could be to:


  • use the Licensor’s trade mark associated with a brand, such as, a franchisee being granted a licence to use the franchisor's logo 

  • sell the Licensor’s product within a certain territory

  • distribute the Licensor’s products (eg. ABC Widgets) in say Queensland through a Distribution Agreement.


Greyson Legal | Trademark Lawyers are familiar with reviewing, advising and preparing Trade Mark Licence Agreements.

Trade Mark Enforcement and Infringement

A registered owner of a trade mark has the exclusive rights:


  • to use the trade mark and to licence those rights to others; and

  • seek relief under the Trade Marks Act 1995 if the trade mark has been infringed.

Pirate Flag
Image by Juliana Kozoski

International Trade Marks

Trade marks help Businesses to build strong brand associations in customers’ minds and extend into new markets.


The grant of trade mark registration in Australia does not automatically protect your trade mark internationally.


Trade marks are enforceable in the jurisdiction where protection has been applied for, granted and current.


There are two options for international trade mark fling:


  • file an application directly in each country you require trade mark protection; or

  • if the country you require protection is a party to the Madrid Protocol, file a single application through IP Australia nominating those Madrid Protocol countries in which protection is required.


We have assisted clients to register trademarks in a number of countries outside Australia, including through the:


  • Trade Marks Registry, India;

  • Intellectual Property Office of Singapore;

  • New Zealand Intellectual Property Office;​


and providing international trade mark advice in regards to the process to apply in respect of the USA and Canada.

Our Trademark Clients

A few trademarks we have assisted our clients to apply and register
Hire Yu | Sunshine Coast
Outback Tracks | Scarborough
Wescor | Sunshine Coast
Noosa Black Garlic | Noosa
Hinterland Dental | Cooroy
Undrgrnd Training | Hobart
Love from Noosa | Noosa
Corp Mem | Caloundra
TeamFit Training | Hobart
The Agnes Family Logo

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