Cyber fraud or cyber crime is becoming an increasing threat for individuals and business.
Cyber fraud involves unauthorised and criminal behaviour undertaken through an online platform. It can present itself in different ways, such as:
theft of financial information
identity theft
unauthorised modification of data
creation and distribution of malicious software
There are various steps that you can take to minimize cyber fraud or cyber crime. For example:
use up to date security service providers, such as, Norton Security
use strong passwords
reset your passwords regularly
don’t repeat the same password across multiple platforms
consider using a password management application
update your software operating systems, as recommended by the software provider
manage social settings, eg. Facebook
consider using a virtual private network (VPN) – this encrypts all traffic leaving your devices until it arrives at its destination
be vigilant about disclosing your personal information
use two factor authentication
DON’T click on a link included within an email you receive without first verifying the link
backup your files regularly
For further information on steps you can take to protect yourself against cyber fraud or cyber crime, refer to the: